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Hey Arnolds!

Today's shout out goes to Bill and Lisa Arnold. Bill adopted Linky and Lisa adopted Granny. In addition to supporting the museum through adopting these dummies, Lisa has helped the museum at our dealer's table at the convention and museum for several years. Who doesn't love her smiling face?

The Granny figure was made by Axtell Expressions and was bequeathed to Nina Conti by her mentor, Ken Campbell. Nina describes him as, "Impresario of British Theatre and expert on history of ventriloquism." Ken called this figure "Gertrude Stein." He performed with her at London's National Theatre in his show, "The History of Comedy Part One: Ventriloquism." Nina used the figure in her act under the name "Granny." Nina donated Granny to Vent Haven after she used it in her documentary Her Master's Voice that she filmed here at the museum and at the ConVENTion in 2009 and 2010.

Linky was made by Bob Munstedt. It's got a papier-mâché head and the only full size figure Munstedt made (as of August 1950). Munstedt sold the dummy because he couldn't think of good material for him. Mr. Berger bought Linky for $34.00 in 1950.

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