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Three from Maher!

Today's post is for three dummies with a common past: Fred & Madeline Maher of Maher Studios.

First up is Skinny Dugan, who was adopted by Devon Breecher at last year's convention. Skinny was made by Fred & Madeline Maher (founders of Maher Studios) in the late 1930's. This is Fred's original Skinny Dugan. Eventually Fred bought a McElroy figure to use as Skinny Dugan instead and he sold this figure to Earl Gotberg.

Clinton Detweiler donated Skinny Dugan to Vent Haven along with Skinny Wyler in 1999, the 30th anniversary of the Detweilers owning Maher Studios.

Cate Howell adopted Skinny Wyler. This dummy's head was made by Madeleine Maher, its mechanics are by George Eazer, and its body is by Clinton Detweiler. Clinton used this figure in the 1960's and 1970's and it is the last professional figure made by the Mahers. Clinton named him "Skinny" to continue the Maher tradition.

Cate also adopted Ransom boy. This little guy sure has a sweet face, doesn't he? He was also made by Maher Studios. He was used by Ray Ransom.

Thanks to Devon and Cate for supporting Vent Haven by adopting these great dummies!

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