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Jumping right in!

For those of you who have never been to our annual convention, first time attendees get a red dot on their convention badges. All the other conventioneers do everything they can to make "red dotters" feel welcome, to help them with schedule details, and to give them tips for making the most of the convention.

My thanks today goes to Tommy Manzie, a 2017 "red dotter." Thanks, Tommy, for jumping right in and getting directly involved with supporting Vent Haven by adopting a dummy!

Tommy adopted a cute little Howdy Doody toy. Mr. Berger bought this toy in 1963 from Violet Gunther, who was the owner of Choice Antiques in Erie, Pennsylvania. This toy was made by Ideal Toy Company and is operated by a string in the back of the head. It has baby doll eyes that open and close by tipping the doll. Mr. Berger paid $5.50 for this sweet little dummy.

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